Barrett is a prestigious American brand that specializes in the production and sale of high-quality firearms, especially sniper rifles and semi-automatic weapons for military, police and civilian shooting purposes. Barrett weapons, such as the legendary Barrett M82 rifle, have quickly become popular among armies, special forces, and shooters around the world due to their innovative designs, high quality, and effectiveness. One of the key elements of the Barrett brand is their emphasis on quality and innovation. The company uses premium materials and cutting-edge technology in its weapons, which are designed to meet the highest standards of performance, durability, and reliability. Each weapon is carefully tested and evaluated to guarantee maximum user satisfaction.
Společnost slouží jako exportní agentura, která nabízí celé portfolio skupiny CSG, ale i dalších společností. Ať už se jedná o dodávky vojenské techniky, leteckých technologií, financování projektů, logistiku nebo servisní podporu, naplňujeme specifické potřeby našich zákazníků.