Existenci skupiny Arlen inicioval v roce 1995 majitel a předseda společnosti Andrzej Tabaczyński. Organizace se vyvinula v Arlen Textile Group, která se nyní může pochlubit týmem více než 800 profesionálů. Vertikální organizační struktura skupiny umožňuje realizovat všechny potřebné výrobní procesy - od zušlechťování příze, tkaní, membránové laminace - až po návrh a výrobu technicky vyspělých oděvů. Díky plné důsledné spolupráci všech společností ve skupině vytváříme řešení pro nejnáročnější zákazníky.
Specialisté našeho oddělení výzkumu a vývoje pracují na zavádění inovativních produktů a řešení. Takto navržené kolekce oblečení spojují vysoké estetické a ergonomické hodnoty a splňují přísné požadavky evropských norem.
Carrington is the largest producer of workwear fabrics in the UK, producing over 55 million metres of fabric annually, and exporting to more than 80 countries worldwide.
With 130 years in the industry, we’re based in Lancashire where British textiles began. And supported by massive investments, we have one of Europe's largest fully integrated textile processing and finishing operations.
CNM Textil is a well established and equipped textile finishing mill located in the Czech republic. We specialize on technical and uniform woven fabrics such as Cotton/PES, Nylon-Cotton, Polyamide or polyester blends. End use is for army and police uniforms, caps, backpacks, guncovers and so on. We also have our own accredited laboratory and give protocols with each delivery.
Direct Action® was founded with a singular mission: to blend cutting-edge design with advanced technical capability, drawing from the extensive experience of its design team and a deep understanding of the precise needs of elite special operations forces. As a proud Polish brand, Direct Action operates three production facilities within Poland, ensuring top-tier quality control and rapid innovation to meet the demands of the most challenging environments.
Drones, thermal optics, and night vision devices are a constant threat.
GHOSTHOOD® keeps you covered with advanced multispectral camouflage solutions designed to save lives and protect critical assets in the most challenging environments. As a veteran-owned company, our mission is driven by the insights that come from firsthand experience. Our innovative technology ensures that soldiers, vehicles, and their equipment stay safe, hidden, and protected in real-world, up-to-date combat scenarios.
We believe lightweight, multifunctional tools balance mobility and concealment. Each product replicates the multispectral wavelengths of nature itself. Our patented conCAMO® camouflage works in a variety of surroundings. The capabilities range from Central and Eastern European vegetation to jungle foliage and arctic snow landscapes. Further adaptability tailored to your mission needs will be provided in the near future.
You have a need—GHOSTHOOD® has the solution.
Společnost HQH SYSTEM byla založena v roce 1993 jako dodavatel anti-teroristického a moderního bezpečnostního vybavení pro ministerstva České a Slovenské republiky, ministerstva obrany, speciální jednotky, celní orgány a další státní složky.
S odkazem na naše bohaté zkušenosti v oblasti využití bezpečnostního a taktického vybavení v aktivních situacích, působí naše společnost také jako konzultant a koordinátor v široké škále nových projektů pro výzkum a vývoj v tomto specifickém prostředí.
Pravidelně pořádáme odborná školení se specializací na pokročilé obranné a bezpečnostní technologie vytvořené pro místní i celosvětový trh. Jsme zástupci předních zahraničních výrobců, jejichž produkty se zaměřují na armádu, policii, speciální jednotky, EOD a další.
Karrimor SF is a UK company with a long and successful history of designing and manufacturing load carriage solutions for demanding environments. The Karrimor SF brand enjoys a wide and loyal following globally in the outdoor community but is best known within the military and law enforcement.
As a leading global manufacturer of load carriage, Karrimor SF supplies a network of dealers and distributors as well as contracting directly with military, law enforcement and leading defence manufacturers worldwide. With a reputation for well designed, trusted and reliable products, Karrimor SF continues to demonstrate an enviable track record of supplying successful load carriage solutions designed for the modern war fighter and extreme adventurers alike.
LENZING™ FR blends for the military have been proven for many years, offering protection, comfort and durability. These blends are easy to print in camouflage prints with infrared properties that comply with demanding military specifications.
In challenging military actions, garments comprising LENZING™ FR fiber, reducing the risk of heat-stress and enhancing physiological performance.
Recon Company is a trading company for the professional user.
From the beginning 30 years ago with a product offer of around 800 articles of straight times 20 manufacturers and offerers a current assortment of over 75,000 articles of more than 200 world-wide manufacturers developed.
This dedicated commitment is proven, among other things, by the constant growth of well-known national and international brands in the Recon range. From over 150 brands from international suppliers from "A" like Atlanco USA to "Z" like Zippo USA, Recon offers its wholesale and retail customers a very wide range of top quality products. This selection meets all requirements for the most extreme applications, whether in the cold with ice and snow or in the heat with sand and dust.
For the 45,000 articles comprehensive wholesale and retail assortment storage capacities on over 5000 square meters are available. This means that the logistical requirements for international incoming goods and outgoing goods with national and international shipping to all countries in the world can be handled without any problems.
More than 300,000 customers trust our more than twenty years of experience in the international mail order business. These include, for example, many thousands of field post customers during their time of service in KFOR and ISAF missions as well as security forces at German missions abroad or NATO forces on worldwide missions. But also committed outdoor activists from the most distant countries of this world appreciate our wide and versatile selection of high quality clothing and equipment.
Who is Schöffel TEC?
For over 30 years, we have been the leading German
brand for high-quality workwear and protective gear.
What sets us apart: We fully understand the needs
from our users. With functional, modern and variable
uniforms, we protect those who protect us.
Schöffel Tec is...
... functional: Our unique functional wear is a symbiosis
of our expertise from the areas of outdoor, workwear
and biking.
... modern: We elevate the world‘s oldest outdoor
clothing brand to a new level through an independent
design language.
... variable: Our broad range of activity-optimized
clothing assists authorities in all essential areas.
Developed for mountains,
made for the mission
Společnost Templar’s Gear, založená v roce 2015, se rozrostla z polského startupu na globálního lídra v oblasti taktického vybavení. Jsme odhodláni k inovacím a využíváme špičkovou laserovou technologii a materiály dle vojenských standardů z Evropy a USA k výrobě odolného a spolehlivého vybavení, kterému důvěřují profesionálové po celém světě.
S důrazem na dokonalost je každý výrobek vyroben v našem moderním závodě poblíž Varšavy. Naše hodnoty kvality, funkčnosti a důvěry zákazníků nás neustále vedou ke zlepšování, abychom zajistili, že naše vybavení splní požadavky každé mise.